(INC-3): Traité mondial sur la pollution plastique à Nairobi


Countries met in Kenya to thrash out a global plastic pollution treaty. The third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) witnessed a significant turnout, with over 1,900 delegates representing 161 member states and the European Union. Additionally, over 318 observer organisations, including UN entities, intergovernmental organisations, and NGOs, participated in the session. This follows […]

Recyclage du Plastique et Fermeture

HOW TO RETHINK PLASTIC PACKAGING: CAN CLOSURE OR REDIRECTION PROVE TO BE A STRATEGY FOR THIS COMPLEXITY? From generation to generation, young people are less and less exposed to nature. We live more and more in urban spaces. It’ll be difficult to explain to future generations how it used to be: a diverse nature with […]