L'Altruisme Efficace : Agir pour un Meilleur Impact

I recently came across effective altruism and I have been very taken by the concept. Effective altruism is a project that aims to find the best ways to help others and implement them. It is basically about doing good as effectively as possible. Its motto states that charity begins where we can help the most […]
Corps anthropocène

The term “Anthropocene,” which literally means “the time of humans,” signifies that humans have significantly altered the chemical and geological makeup of Earth. Humans are now considered the main driver behind global geological change on our planet. This alteration encompasses both the physical and social dimensions of the body, as well as the ways in […]
Neo-Ruralism : The Change from City to Country

Hope for a healthy future Neo-ruralism is a socio-cultural movement that has gained momentum in recent years, reflecting a shift in the way people perceive and interact with rural areas. This movement encourages individuals to reconnect with rural environments, often driven by a desire for a simpler and more sustainable way of life. Neo-ruralism stands […]
African Traditional Music Orchestra

African traditional music is a rich and diverse tradition that spans the continent. From the drums of West Africa to the stringed instruments of East Africa, there is a wide variety of instruments and musical styles to be found across the continent. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in creating orchestras that […]
Recyclage du Plastique et Fermeture

HOW TO RETHINK PLASTIC PACKAGING: CAN CLOSURE OR REDIRECTION PROVE TO BE A STRATEGY FOR THIS COMPLEXITY? From generation to generation, young people are less and less exposed to nature. We live more and more in urban spaces. It’ll be difficult to explain to future generations how it used to be: a diverse nature with […]