Repenser le design : nouvelles approches pour un monde complexe.
“Waste is a design flaw, the ability to create circularity of all materials eliminates waste and builds a sustainable world.” – Kate Krebs. Design is a powerful tool that can be used to solve problems, create beauty, and make the world a better place. However, many normalised design approaches are often limited in their scope […]
Collaboration radicale : Au-delà du simple travail en équipe
Radical Collaboration is a concept that goes beyond just working together. It points out ways of working together that are built on trust, shared goals, and leveraging the strengths of everyone involved. Radical collaboration refers to a big visible shift in a system that mostly begins at an individual level and trickles down to an […]
Outils de Motivation et d'Incitation au Changement de Comportement
Motivating and spurring behavioural change presents a formidable challenge, yet numerous tools and strategies exist to facilitate this transformation. Achieving a sustainable future will require that people do things differently. It is vital to acknowledge that altering behaviour is indeed attainable. The pivotal first step involves a comprehensive comprehension of the underlying causes driving the […]
Future Nous: Penser à l'avenir dans une époque imprudente"
In an era of rapid technological advancement, social and economic transformation, and shifting cultural paradigms, the concept of “Future Us” has gained unprecedented significance. The future has always intrigued humanity, but the stakes are higher than ever in today’s reckless age. As we navigate the complexities of an interconnected world, it becomes crucial to adopt […]
Recyclage du Plastique et Fermeture
HOW TO RETHINK PLASTIC PACKAGING: CAN CLOSURE OR REDIRECTION PROVE TO BE A STRATEGY FOR THIS COMPLEXITY? From generation to generation, young people are less and less exposed to nature. We live more and more in urban spaces. It’ll be difficult to explain to future generations how it used to be: a diverse nature with […]