Solutions de cuisson propres : Repenser la biomasse pour la cuisine

Clean cooking refers to using safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly cooking practices and technologies. It aims to reduce the negative impacts of traditional cooking methods on especially human health (women who in most cultures would be most affected)  and the environment. Why is clean cooking important? Worldwide leaders have declared their commitment to providing clean […]

Recyclage du Plastique et Fermeture

HOW TO RETHINK PLASTIC PACKAGING: CAN CLOSURE OR REDIRECTION PROVE TO BE A STRATEGY FOR THIS COMPLEXITY? From generation to generation, young people are less and less exposed to nature. We live more and more in urban spaces. It’ll be difficult to explain to future generations how it used to be: a diverse nature with […]

La redirection écologique et son importance dans la création d'un avenir durable

An ecology of dismantling, non-desirable and far from the green and luminous clichés. Companies will save us! This is a false notion that is being spread to have the “desirable future.” We need to return to what is known and deemed undesirable. Positioning and learning show our relationship to everything in the Anthropocene and the […]