Steve Thairu Mbaki

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Clean cooking solutions : Rethinking biomass for cooking

Clean cooking refers to using safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly cooking practices and technologies. It aims to reduce the negative impacts of traditional cooking methods on especially human health (women who in most cultures would be most affected)  and the environment.

Why is clean cooking important?

  • Health benefits: Clean cooking solutions use cleaner fuels or more efficient technologies, reducing the exposure to these pollutants. On the other hand, when it comes to traditional cooking methods, they often involve the use of polluting fuels like wood, charcoal, or kerosene. These fuels release harmful pollutants, such as smoke, carbon monoxide, and particulate matter, this leads to a form of respiratory disease, eye infections, and other health problems, especially among women and children.
  • Environmental benefits: Traditional cooking methods have contributed to deforestation (a loss of 3.9 million hectares of forest between 2010 and 2020 in Africa), air pollution, and climate change. With new practices, we can reduce our carbon footprint and protect the environment.
  • Economic benefits: Access to clean cooking fuels and technologies can improve the quality of life for millions of people, especially in rural areas. It can also boost economic development by reducing healthcare costs and increasing productivity.

Worldwide leaders have declared their commitment to providing clean cooking energy by 2032 to nearly a billion Africans who would benefit from it and move away from using firewood and other forms of biomass. The leaders rallied around the African Women Clean Cooking Support Programme (AWCCSP) launched by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania Samia Suluhu Hassan on the sidelines of COP28 in Dubai.

President Suluhu said 80% of households in sub-Saharan Africa rely on wooden biomass for cooking. She said, “Women and girls are disproportionately affected when there is no access to clean cooking solutions. Exposure to toxic fumes affects their health and wellbeing,” and that the program will ensure the long hours they spend fetching firewood, are spent on productive economic activities. The African Development Bank (AfDB) pointed out that 300,000 women and 300,000 children die every year due to respiratory diseases, which can be avoided, because of simply trying to cook a meal.

Accessibility and affordability to clean cooking solutions should be assured for providing clean cooking solutions at scale for this to be a winnable battle. This should include concessional blended financing and guarantees to de-risk lending by commercial banks and other financial institutions. The African Development Bank is committed to continuing to promote clean cooking in Africa. By providing financial support, policy guidance, technical assistance, and knowledge sharing, the AfDB is helping to improve the lives of millions of people and protect the environment.

Clean cooking solutions

There are many different clean cooking solutions available, including:

  • Improved cookstoves: These stoves are designed to burn fuel more efficiently and produce less smoke. 
  • Solar cookers: These devices use solar energy to cook food, eliminating the need for traditional fuels.
  • Biogas systems: These systems convert organic waste into biogas, which can be used for cooking.
  • Electric stoves: These stoves are powered by electricity and are a clean and efficient option.

While there are many benefits to clean cooking, there are also challenges to overcome. The cost comes at the top of the list as if it was a cheaper option it would be implemented at a large scale. Clean cooking solutions can be more expensive than traditional cooking methods, especially in low-income communities. Access to clean cooking technologies can be limited in some areas, particularly in rural regions worldwide. Traditions and savoir-faire may make some people reluctant to adopt new cooking practices, especially when deeply rooted in their cultural traditions.

Despite these challenges, there is a growing momentum towards clean cooking. Governments, NGOs, and private sector companies are working together to promote the adoption of clean cooking solutions and improve the lives of millions of people around the world.